
Chavo del ocho in english
Chavo del ocho in english

chavo del ocho in english

In the English dub of the animated series, the phrase is "It just slipped up".

chavo del ocho in english

(Sorry I messed up ): El Chavo says it in a remorseful tone when he discovers he was being overheard bad-mouthing someone nearby (mostly Professor Jirafales). In the English dub of the animated series, the phrase is "OK, just don't get angry". ¡Bueno, pero no se enoje! (Alright, but don't get angry! ): El Chavo says it in a pleading tone when someone is mad at him.In the English dub of the animated series, the catchphrase is "That's true, that's true, that's true". ¡Eso, eso, eso! (That, that, that!): often said by El Chavo when someone takes the words out of his mouth, as he raises his hand and moves his index finger up and down, resembling a nodding motion.In the English dub of the animated series, the catchphrase is "You're just not patient enough with me".

chavo del ocho in english

("Ya just don't have any patience." ): used by El Chavo when he has to explain his misconduct.

chavo del ocho in english

Chilindrina, in some rare instances, also uses the quote to compare the orphan's lack of intelligence to something equally derisive such as "dirty", "dummy", "stupid", etc.

  • ¡Ay, Chavo, lo que tienes de bruto, lo tienes de bruto! (Oh, Chavo, what you have in stupid, you have in stupid!): La Chilindrina and Quico (though he rarely does it) tells this quote, with an irritated tone, (mostly) to El Chavo when they get enraged on seeing him doing something very simple incorrectly or idiotically, or when he literally interpretes something told to him.
  • ¡Fíjate, fíjate, fíjate, fíjate! (I'm telling you 4x): is a phrase that Chilindrina uses every time she's gossiping or even to solidify any formulated deceptive phrase.
  • In the English dub of the animated series, the catchphrase is "I've come to collect the rent".
  • ¡Vengo a cobrar la renta! (I came here to get the rent!): generally said by Señor Barriga towards his residents (most frequently Don Ramón, who owes exacty fourteen months of unpaid rent) as his main objective upon arriving at the vecindad.
  • In the English dub of the animated series, the catchphrase is "I did it on purpose, but I didn't mean to". (I didn't mean to mean to do it.): usually used by Chavo when he does something wrong. Some occasions would have Don Ramon say "It's always the same with you, Chavo!". In the English dub of the animated series, the catchphrase is "It figures it was you, Chavo!".
  • ¡Tenía que ser el Chavo del Ocho! (It had to be El Chavo del Ocho!): regularly used by all the victims of Chavo's jokes, mistakes or misunderstandings, most commonly Señor Barriga or Don Ramón.
  • Chespirito created several words and phrases that nowadays are widely used as part of the Spanish language, at least in Mexico City and country and other countries of Latin America:

    Chavo del ocho in english